applecoreeater u
applecoreeater 3 points submitted 11 days ago
canada goose black friday sale Nah. I still play 3 and 2 alongside 4 and they do have more depth than 4. There is just a feeling of completeness and choice about life in the other games that just isn there in 4. canada goose black friday sale
Canada Goose online Things like getting your kids into private school in 2, or kids running away from home if their relationship is terrible, or sims dying from being sick and forced to keep working, or listening to them fake call in sick, or the mental breakdowns when their aspirations bottom out from all the fears you been fulfilling. The memory systems and attaching achievements like teens being able to become over achievers or registering when they earned a certain amount. 2 buy canada goose jacket cheap had amazing depth. And that just base game stuff. The dates in TS2 were awesome, having access to your date canadian goose jacket wants and needs; canada goose store and scholarships for University; I loved the badges system for the businesses; and I loved how when you went on vacation there was a memory scrapbook that you had to guess at and find out how to fill. Canada Goose Outlet Oh, also, WORLD CREATION!! Canada Goose online
In 3 it an active and alive world. It more traits that affect how your sims actually behave like kleptomaniac sims being able to swipe things. Yes it took out a lot of the above stuff I mentioned, but it still feels alive. Its the fact that every expansion pack added gameplay that you could add to your sim story, not just another skin of what they can already do.
buy canada goose jacket AhemExcuseMeSir 33 points submitted 13 days ago buy canada goose jacket
I love all the sims and still very much enjoy 4. I clicked on this ready to defend parts of the game, but then passionately agreed with every point of yours. The Canada Goose online Sims 4 is like a really shitty boyfriend that I stay with for the few redeeming qualities. I think mainly because 3 is too much of an unplayable beast to go back to, and 2 just seems too far removed.
Canada Goose Coats On Sale I think one of my absolute biggest frustrations with 4 is how it just makes everything so difficult, even things that should be easy fixes. I want to play families for generations and have more than one child, but I play without money cheats and it’s so stupid that my newly young adult sim has to move out of the mansion she lives in with her parents and two siblings and can’t take any of the riches or family inventory. But she gets $20,000 from nowhere to move into a starter home. So I either move the sad elders into their own starter home, make them homeless, or just wait for them to die so the child can move Canada Goose Jackets on with their life. Canada Goose Coats On Sale
So much of 4 does feel like they don’t expect anyone to play the game for more than a few hours. Like they want people to be wowed by all of the points you mentioned, and then stop there before they see how broken and shallow some things are.
Also, can we just talk about how shitty the family aspirations are. They’re reliant on your sim being near death and having adult children before they’re finally completed. Then your elder sim can have a few skill gain perks in the two sim days before they die of old age, because that’s how long it takes.
icefox1992 56 points submitted 20 days ago
canada goose factory sale It disgusts me that people are so against abortion. Abortions have come a long way since they first started. I’m sure in the beginning they were very barbaric. canada goose factory sale
That’s still a better out come verses becoming a parent. I don’t see what the big deal is. I’m sure most abortions are done via medication. I could be wrong.
Far as my knowledge goes with religion buy canada goose jacket and the Bible. Abortion isn’t really even mentioned in the Bible. I never read it and don’t plan to so I’ll stick to what I’ve been told.
applecoreeater 28 points submitted 20 days ago
canada goose uk shop It based on Psalm 139: “You knit me together in my mother womb” and “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for canada goose coats on sale me were written in your book before one of them came to be”. canada goose uk shop
Basically the anti choicers believe that life begins at conception because David wrote about God knowing him before he was born. Because it a poem about his close relationship with God. Which is a really lovely sentiment but I don know that it necessarily translates to “You are already a person when you are also 8 cells and before you have a brain or consciousness”. Not to excuse it, just to answer your question. 22 points submitted 20 days ago
canada goose coats on sale At the time the bible was written, life was considered to begin at the quickening. That was when you were sure you were pregnant, too, because no other sign besides feeling the fetus move really proves that it a pregnancy and not a canada goose coats tumor. I really don think anyone involved in writing the bible believed life began at conception. canada goose coats on sale
canada goose store EDIT: I shouldn reddit after midnight. Changed “conception” to “the quickening” in the first sentence because I fucked it up the first time. canada goose store
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Canada Goose Jackets What made it so much worse was that she coddled the child the entire time, thus encouraging the behavior to continue. She never, cheap Canada Goose at any point got her child to stop crying and throwing a fit. She had this, kids, are kids and they get upset. My poor sweet angelbaby is upset canada goose black friday sale and everyone should be sympathetic to my crying little darling! No lady, your kid is pushing 5 or 6 Canada Goose Parka and she needs to learn to behave and that she cannot always get things to go her way. Kindergarten is gonna suck for this kid. Canada Goose Jackets
othello_there 81 points submitted 23 days ago
Honestly I feel like the dev team has really lost touch with what players actually want from The Sims. Some changes are welcome, such as the new building tools, CAS system, and improved graphics, but there have been so many missteps and bizarre compromises taken with this game that it often has me wondering “What were they thinking?? How could they ever believe that these decisions would go over well or just be ignored by the community?”
Canada Goose Outlet Personality is such an integral part of the game and the fact that they have consistently overlooked it for years tells me that it’s just not very high on their priority list. The sad thing is that a large amount of players canada goose deals got hooked on The Sims because of the personality and trait system both casual players and hardcore fans alike. If you think about it, a large canada goose clearance sale portion of the fanbase probably started off as casual players when they were younger and slowly got more involved in the game over time. That’s why I’ve never bought the excuse that they’re “trying to reach a wider audience.” The Sims has always managed to reach a wide audience because there’s no other game like it and it has an easy learning curve. Instead it seems like the devs have broken a system that didn’t need fixing on some misguided crusade to reach an even wider audience that just doesn’t exist. Canada Goose Outlet
cheap canada goose uk There’s a reason so many fans keep going back to Sims 1, 2, and 3 and it’s not just for nostalgia’s sake. It’s because they feel a connection between the choices they make as a player and how that affects what happens in the game. Sims reacted differently to events depending on their personality, aspiration, and traits. You could quantify the weight of your actions based on your sims mood, wellbeing, and memories. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore with 4. The emotion system could have really expanded gameplay if it was done differently, but instead it cheapens the whole experience and breaks your immersion. Imagine if you fell into a canada goose outlet depression because your grandma died and then you walked into the bathroom and suddenly became elated because it was decorated nicely. That’s where we’re at with TS4. cheap canada goose uk
canadian goose jacket TL;DR: Emotions and traits need a lot of work. Devs need to acknowledge that and actually do something about it. Sorry for the wall of text but this has been bothering me for a long time. canadian goose jacket
buy canada goose jacket cheap applecoreeater 29 points submitted 23 days ago buy canada goose jacket cheap
Canada Goose Online My sim got sick in the Sims 2 and I ignored it. Because that what you do in 3 and even more in 4. He died because I kept him working instead of resting. His wife managed to canada goose clearance plead with the Grim Reaper to save him though Canada Goose Online.