In the red flag with spear is the two-headed eagle on the cover of “Flamuri” magazine in 1922. It was published in Tirana once a month.
A beautifully stylized eagle is melted in the title of the daily newspaper “Arbënia”. In the picture is the newspaper of February 7th, 1944.
In a large red circle with black perimeter, it is placed the eagle on the cover of “Njeriu” magazine of 1943. It was a monthly magazine with cultural profile and ” spiritual”.
In “Tomorri” newspaper of 1942 the eagle stands on top and above is the title. The wings are opened in width. “Tomorri” was with cultural profile for the youth and was published every two weeks.
The flag with two-headed eagle on the cover of “Cirka” magazine. This was a cultural magazine, that was published in Shkodra in the first and third Sunday of each month.
The flag in “Mbrojtja Kombëtare” newspaper of 1920. In the body of the eagle is placed the castle with tower, in every clutches are standing 4 levies. This newspaper was published in the city of Vlora.
The red flag caught in spare is placed on the cover of “Leka” magazine of 1937. The eagle is with wings below and above the heads has a crown. This cultural magazine was published in Shkodra every month from “ Zoja e papërlyme” printing presses.
The eagle is in the central part of the cover of “Rilindja” newspaper. The wings are directed upward and the two heads are not filled with the black color as the body. It was published in Korca, twice a month.
The double-headed eagle in “Studenti Shqiptar” magazine is included as an illustration in the title. This magazine with cultural profile , was published once a month in Torino, Italy.
An etching by “Përparimi” magazine of August 1917, represents the friendship of both Adriatic peoples . Albanian people symbolically are illustrated by the helmet of Skanderbeg and the flag with two-headed eagle.